ভলিউম ব্রাইটনেস কন্ট্রোল করুন খুব সহজে - AU2
Using the Edge Control app, you can move your finger along the left and right sides of your screen to adjust the brightness and volume on your smartphone. Instead of having to drag down your Notification Center or repeatedly tap the volume-down button, for example, this makes it much easier and faster to adjust brightness and volume. If your volume buttons are stuck, broken, or simply not where you want them, this is also fantastic!
By moving your finger along the left and right sides of your screen, you can adjust the brightness and volume on your device using the Edge Control app. By doing this, you can adjust brightness and volume much more quickly and easily rather than having to bring down your Notification Center or repeatedly tap the volume-down button. If you have cracked, sticky, or simply unsatisfactory volume buttons, this is also a perfect solution!